Erebrus VPN Client
Guide on how to connect to Erebrus dVPN
Last updated
Guide on how to connect to Erebrus dVPN
Last updated
Download the Android App from Google Play Store and login using Wallet by entering mnemonic or using Google Account to connect to VPN.
Download the Android App from iOS App Store (Testflight) and login using Wallet by entering mnemonic or using Apple Account to connect to VPN.
Note: If you're using an Apple/Google Account as the login option to the Erebrus App, you'll need to visit the Webapp: to link your Apple or Google account to your wallet to be able to see your NFT Subscriptions.
Visit the Erebrus Webapp and follow these steps:
Step 1. Login to the webapp by selecting a blockchain network and wallet of your choice.
Either get a `free trial` subscription or buy a NFT Subscription for connecting to the dVPN. Each Subscription allows you to create VPN clients that needs to be added to the VPN Client App (Wireguard).
Go to "Subscription tab" and select a subscription i.e, `Free Trial` or the `NFT Subscription`:
Step 2. Proceed with creating a VPN Client by selecting "Add More Client"
Step 3. Create client with unique name and select region, then click "Create"
Step 4 Download config file or scan QR code with WireGuard mobile app.
Step 5. Download WireGuard
Click here to download and install WireGuard.
Import the config file downloaded earlier into WireGuard and activate